Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Gender Inequality in vote



As of early 2012, women are not allowed to vote at all in Saudi Arabia and Vatican City, and both women and men have a limited vote in Brunei and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Though all other countries allow women to vote in some elections, some countries have a traditionally low turnout of women voters because of social conventions. The most recent country to allow women the full right to vote was Bhutan, which changed from a family voting system to an individual voting system in 2008.

Even countries where women are allowed to vote may not have a very high percentage of women who actually turn out. This sometimes happens because of social or cultural traditions; for instance, women in a very traditionally patriarchal society may feel uncomfortable voting. Education is an issue in other areas, where women often don't vote because they don't know or understand their voting rights.

We are in 2016, isn't it the time to make some definitely change about gender inequality?

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